Workshop on NLO energy loss
March 3 - 14, 2014
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
OrganizersL Xin-Nian Wang (CCNU/LBNL) and Bowen Xiao (CCNU)
The JET Collaboration will hold a small working group meeting on NLO jet energy loss at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory from March 3 to 14., 2014. This will be a small informal meeting with active experts in this subfield to discuss recent progresses and near term challenges on calculation of parton energy loss and momentum broadening at the next-to-leading order (NLO). There will be only 1-2 talks each day and the rest is devoted to informal and in-depth discussions.
All seminars are held in the Theory Lounge of the Nuclear Theory Group at LBNL.
Talk schedule (links to talk files are at the bottom):
First week:
March 4th,10:00-11:30 AM: Zhongbo Kang -- Discussion on NLO energy loss:
questions, thoughts, and motivations
March 5th, 11:00-12:00 AM: B. Muller Colloquium at 11am;
March 6th 10:30-12:00 AM: Al Mueller, "Energy loss in pA forward J/psi and dijet production"
2:30- 4:00 PM: Hongxi Xing, "NLO pt broadening in SIDIS and DY"
March 7th 10:30-12:00 AM: Yacine Mehtar-Tani , "Renormalization of the jet quenching parameter".
Second week:
March 10th, 10:30-11:30 AM: Peter Jacobs, "Jet Reconstruction in Heavy Ion Collisions"
3:00- 4:30 PM: Abhijit Majumder, "What remains to be done at leading order"
March 11th, 10:30-11:30 AM: Jianwei Qiu, "Jet vs Jettiness"
3:00- 4:30 PM: Bin Wu, Radiative pt broadening and energy loss of high-energy quarks and gluons in QCD matter.
March 12th, 10:30-11:30 AM: Edmond Iancu, "The non-linear evolution of jet quenching"
3:00- 4:00 PM: Raktim Abir, "Heavy quark energy loss"
March 13rd, 3:00- 4:00 PM: Jiechen Xu, "Azimuthal jet flavor Tomography with CUJET2.0"
March 14th, 10:30-11:30 AM: Peng Sun, "Soft gluon resummation in dijet production"
3:00- 4:00 PM: Free discussions