If you would like to join the Monte-Carlo working group please send an email to
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Goals of the Monte-Carlo working group
Develop a general framework and numerical implementations of different approaches to jet modification
in a medium, incorporating elastic and radiative energy loss, flavor conversion, quark mass dependence
(heavy quarks) and exact four-momentum conservation. Develop Monte-Carlo simulation codes in the
form of Open Source Codes and Algorithmic Routines (OSCAR) and make them available to the entire
heavy-ion community.
Year 1
Start to develop a Monte Carlo description of jet evolution and propagation in dense medium.
Year 2
Continue to develop a Monte Carlo description of jet evolution and propagation in dense medium,
including jet-.field interaction, rescattering of radiated gluons and the recoil of thermal medium
Year 3
Complete the development of a Monte Carlo description of jet evolution and propagation in dense
medium with consistent description of both collinear and hard medium-induced gluon emission, in-
cluding both elastic and inelastic processes, flavor conversion, recoil of the thermal medium partons.
Year 4
Develop the Jet and Electromagnetic Tomography (JET) program packages of Monte Carlo simula-
tion of jet propagation and evolution in the form of Open Source Codes and Algorithmic Routines
(OSCAR) for use in phenomenological analyses of experimental data.